While translation aims to translate concepts from one language to another, the second goes beyond grammatical rules and takes into account the culture and target audience to properly process the translation and localization of a piece of content.

Globalization and the growing need to make oneself known across national borders through the Web have brought with them as many opportunities for growth as language issues, which require special attention when translating from one language to another.

This process should be divided into two stages which, as mentioned, go hand in hand but belong to two completely different processing methods.


The translation transfer the content from one language toanother, keeping track of grammar rules and the meaning from one's own language to the target one. 
The purpose of translation is to compose a text that is grammatically correct and succeeds in expressing the feelings and message of the source vocabulary. 
This is why I always advise against the translation of complex, advertising or specific content performed with automatic translators.


The localization is an additional step to translation. It consists of revising the translated text and transforming it while maintaining the original meaning of the content, adapting it precisely to the various nuances of the target language. There are many factors which must be taken into consideration in this process: geographical area, religion, traditions, political situation. 

The main goals of localization are:

  • to ensure that the product fits naturally into the local market without any noticeable language and/or cultural differences;
  • to make sure that no unpleasant and unintended conflict situations arise with the target customers you are addressing in the target language;
  • to use specific terms in the target language, so as to help improve SEO through keywords searched by customers in that country.

What are the ingredients needed to localize a piece of content?

  • Study the source and target cultures thoroughly so as to understand all the facets present in the source text first, and then the target text.
  • Employ native speakers who can proofread the text and verify that there is no language “gap.”

If you have realized that a good translation and localization service is what is right for you and your business, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to figure out with you which is the best localization for you!